
July, 2017

Finding Our Goodness Backwards

FINDING OUR GOODNESS BACKWARDS: How to Know our Higher Purpose by Exploring the Present, not the Past

Gary Zukov has written about the exhilaration in finding what he calls our soul, or higher purpose: He suggests that this state

Leads us to another kind of power, a power that loves life in every form that it appears, a power that does not judge what it encounters, a power that perceives meaningfulness and purpose in the smallest details upon the earth. This is authentic power. When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with the highest part of ourselves, we are filled with enthusiasm, purpose, and meaning. Life is rich and full. We have no thoughts of bitterness. We have no memory of fear. We are joyously and intimately engaged with our world. This is the experience of authentic power. (The Seat of the Soul, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1990, 26)

Jean Houston calls this power Entelechy.

Entelechy is a Greek word which concerns finding the potential inherent in all things. The acorn ‘knows’ it has the entelechy to become the oak tree. The popcorn kernel contains the entelechy to become the full- blown entity.

What is your entelechy? What is your potential? Are you living it?
Rather than the exploration in psychotherapy of examining our childhoods – which has value enough (that of the past informing our present) – what if we were to only look at our present and work backwards? What if we were to list our accomplishments and relate them to what we knew as a child? What if we worked that way? What would it reveal?

What if we saw that what we had previously seen as limitations were really blessings in disguise? The god-as-helper – or God-in-Hiding - helping us not to evolve too quickly in order to become what was always ordained?


Workshop on ENTELECHY TBA. Late fall or early winter. In the meantime, do some contemplation on your ENTELECHY and read about ARCHETYPES, DAIMONS, the work of JUNG, JAMES HILLMAN, CAROLYN MYSS, and familiarize yourself with the Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses….That is a beginning…but only a beginning…

Love, Gopita
818.248.7258 (Details and questions)
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